Branding UX: How to Build Products that Create Loyal Customers

Why do certain products create passionate users while others struggle to gain traction? Is it Design? Usability? Simplicity? No. It’s branding. Branding isn’t just the purview of the marketing team anymore. In today’s crowded marketplace, making a product that works--or even works well--is no longer good enough. User Experience Branding is a process that helps build loyal customers and brand ambassadors by leveraging the emotional value of our brand and incorporating it into our user experience.

User Experience Branding helps organizations--especially those using Lean and Agile--more effectively and efficiently develop, build, maintain, and most of all, evolve brands to navigate ever-changing marketplaces.

This talk is for anyone involved or interested in UX, at any experience level, including creative directors, designers and product managers. This talk will cover the role of emotion within the decision-making process and how influencing a user’s emotions during a product experience translates to brand loyalty. I’ll explain the fundamentals and purpose behind branding, why it has changed, and why we need to focus on it more when designing experiences.

I'll also demonstrate, with examples, how certain product organizations stay ahead of their competition by curating their brand. Finally, I’ll offer some quick tips for building your brand through your product, called Branding Moments, designed for Lean/Agile teams to execute swiftly, that they can start implementing immediately.

You’ll learn:

  • Why minimum viable products are no longer viable

  • Why certain products develop loyal users and others fail to gain traction

  • How emotions influence decision-making

  • The role of emotion in branding

  • Why branding has had to change in the face of Lean/Agile and today's marketplaces

  • Why incorporating brand into your experience is critical

  • How to turn users into loyal customers

  • Tactics for applying User Experience Branding within your experience

All talks and workshops given by Beard Branding are customized for the audience, whether they’re internal at an organization or for a broad audience at a conference.